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Opning The Pop☆

1 :拒むことを知っちゃいかんのか?Mk-III ◆uwfar8MwKQ :2015/07/14(火) 11:30:23.61 ID:epoXCx1+.net
Please stop the slander. I am the lawyar.
I'm not a good partner you are hit. Please firmly recognize the sin.
By the disclosure,If I get the IP,To you guys of the house. I will shoot the nuke.
Do not say me incompetence. Hey nuke weapons but Nuke's nuclear.
Open IP&Shoot the nuclear. Our job winning pattern Nariyo.

2 :名前はいらない:2019/09/10(火) 20:12:00.27 ID:NW+3GnRDF

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