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PENTAX K-1 Part5

128 :名無CCDさん@画素いっぱい:2016/03/02(水) 00:02:19.29 ID:R5t2a/NV0.net

We had the chance to use AF system in a non-test environment and found that, paired with the relatively fast-to-focus 15-30mm F2.8,
its tracking was fairly slow but also pretty good at recognising and following its subject.

This could limit its utility with faster moving subjects - where it may choose the correct AF point
too slowly to respond as the subject moves around the frame.

The limited AF coverage also means it's unlikely fast-paced shooters will experience much success shooting this way,
possibly falling back to relying on the center AF point - which, along with the points directly above and below it, focuses down to -3 EV.


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