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704 :名無し三等兵 (ワッチョイ 8f24-A0KB [240d:1a:1c:1e00:*]):2024/03/23(土) 16:51:30.84 ID:LllflG240.net
23年頃から作業が本格化するとしていて、実際に22年11月から23年2月にかけて行われたFCAS TIの

The testing phase has seen the production of an engine duct that’s shaped to slow air from supersonic
to subsonic speeds at the engine face. This innovative design has resulted in an intake with fewer
moving parts than a traditional fighter jet design, thereby enhancing the aircraft’s stealthy design.
Speaking about the testing, Conrad Banks, Chief Engineer at Rolls-Royce Defence Future Programmes,
said the aerodynamic testing has “been invaluable in several ways. Not only has it validated
complex digital techniques and models, but it has fostered highly collaborative working practices
between the BAE Systems and Rolls-Royce teams.”

This research also has allowed Rolls to validate a toolset that will be essential in the development of the
Tempest fighter’s intake and distortion-tolerant fan. They will be a feature of the next-generation GCAP
engine under development.


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