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698 :名無し三等兵 (ワッチョイ 8f24-A0KB [240d:1a:1c:1e00:*]):2024/03/23(土) 16:32:13.22 ID:LllflG240.net
Work on the joint engine demonstrator will kickstart early this year, with the UK initially investing £30 million in planning,
digital designs and innovative manufacturing developments. A further £200 million of UK funding is expected to go towards developing
a full-scale demonstrator power system, supporting hundreds of highly skilled jobs, including many at Rolls-Royce’s Filton facility in Bristol.
Rolls Royce have indicated that the first stage of this work is expected to support up to 50 jobs, to establish the demonstrator design requirements
and associated collaboration arrangements. The total number of highly skilled jobs at the Filton facility will be subject to the output
of this phase but is expected to increase from 2023.

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