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【PS4】Destiny Part379【デスティニー】

121 :なまえをいれてください:2014/11/18(火) 04:53:19.30 ID:/6H8TNPE.net
Thorn DoT reduced from 7 to 3 damage per tick
Thorn's base damage in PvP reduced from 76 for a head shot to 58
The Last Word

The Last Word
now does 32 damage to the body and 54 to the head, down from 49 and 73

Ice Breaker
Ice Breaker explosion changed to have actual visible explosion now
Potential damage nerf, waiting confirmation

Pocket Infinity
Pocket Infinity fire rate has been reduced. There is now a delay between full auto bursts


総レス数 1005
191 KB

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