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@@ 戦時中・戦場でのほのぼのとした話し 13 @@

982 :名無し三等兵:2019/11/21(木) 17:34:46.90
Russo-Japanese War

A wounded Rennenkampff after the Battle of Liaoyang
In February 1904, after the outbreak of the Russo-Japanese War, Rennenkampf was appointed commander of the Trans-Baikal Cossack Division.[11]
In June, he was promoted to lieutenant-general for military distinction.

In late June 1904, during the scouting of the position of the Japanese at Liaoyang, he was shot in the leg and the shin of left leg was shattered.
After less than two months, he returned to active service, without fully recovering his leg.
In the Battle of Mukden, Rennenkampf distinguished himself again as during the battle, he commanded the Tsinghechensky detachment, which was stationed at the left bank of the 1st Manchurian Army led by General Nikolai Linevich,
during the battle, he showed great persistence, which combined with other reinforcements, was able to repulse Field Marshal Kawmura's offensive.

According to some historians and writers, after the Battle of Mukden, a personal conflict occurred between Rennenkampf and General Samsonov, and it came to an exchange of blows, which made the two of them lifelong foes.
While some other historians argue that there could be no clashes between the generals.
The main source of this rumor is the memoirs of the German general Max Hoffmann,
who was a military agent in the Japanese army during the war and therefore incapable of personally observing relations among Russian generals and would subsequently become one of Rennenkampf's enemies in the First World War.
In Hoffmann's memoirs, referring again to rumors, mentioned that both generals quarrelled in Liaoyang after the battle, which was physically impossible, since at this time Rennenkampf was seriously injured.

After the war he commanded numerous army corps, including the 7th Siberian Army Corps, the 3rd Siberian Army Corps and Army Corps.

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