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【ニューゲーム】NEW GAME!!Rank.34

1 :風の谷の名無しさん@実況は実況板で@\(^o^)/(スププ Sd12-0Mbk):2017/06/29(木) 19:10:05.47 ID:b7vZ68R+d.net

AbemaTV   6月29日夜9時〜 第1話先行配信
AT-X     7月11日から毎週火曜 夜9時30分〜
《リピート放送》 毎週木曜 午後1時30分〜/毎週土曜 早朝5時30分〜/毎週日曜 夜10時00分〜
TOKYO MX 7月11日から毎週火曜 深夜0時30分〜
テレビ愛知  7月11日から毎週火曜 深夜1時35分〜
MBS      7月11日から毎週火曜 深夜2時30分〜
BS11     7月12日から毎週水曜 深夜0時00分〜


【ニューゲーム】NEW GAME!Level.33
VIPQ2_EXTDAT: checked:vvvvv:1000:512:----: EXT was configured

814 :風の谷の名無しさん@実況は実況板で@\(^o^)/ (ワッチョイ 97a7-m5Ug):2017/07/06(木) 22:10:36.57 ID:+sHyjqXO0.net

815 :風の谷の名無しさん@実況は実況板で@\(^o^)/ (スフッ Sdbf-DE9n):2017/07/06(木) 22:11:10.75 ID:nRd5UrqPd.net

816 :風の谷の名無しさん@実況は実況板で@\(^o^)/ (スフッ Sdbf-DE9n):2017/07/06(木) 22:11:53.28 ID:LvjHYNkPd.net

817 :風の谷の名無しさん@実況は実況板で@\(^o^)/ (ワッチョイ 97a7-m5Ug):2017/07/06(木) 22:13:29.91 ID:+sHyjqXO0.net

818 :風の谷の名無しさん@実況は実況板で@\(^o^)/ (スフッ Sdbf-DE9n):2017/07/06(木) 22:21:09.97 ID:U7JR6wvnd.net

819 :風の谷の名無しさん@実況は実況板で@\(^o^)/ (アウアウカー Sa2b-L5XL):2017/07/06(木) 22:22:18.37 ID:G1OISfgSa.net

820 :風の谷の名無しさん@実況は実況板で@\(^o^)/ (ワッチョイ 97a7-m5Ug):2017/07/06(木) 22:23:51.95 ID:+sHyjqXO0.net
たしかにPVに紅葉出てたわ OVAは買ってないから知らなかった

821 :風の谷の名無しさん@実況は実況板で@\(^o^)/ (ブーイモ MMfb-o+VF):2017/07/06(木) 22:42:11.87 ID:2YSWFPySM.net

822 :風の谷の名無しさん@実況は実況板で@\(^o^)/ (ワッチョイ 9f2d-vZD6):2017/07/06(木) 22:44:08.52 ID:AMP1Crub0.net

823 :風の谷の名無しさん@実況は実況板で@\(^o^)/ (アークセー Sxcb-zB/N):2017/07/06(木) 22:47:20.81 ID:4YkGvFP1x.net

824 :シシイモ & ◆iArJJ4AT2xXP @\(^o^)/ (ワッチョイ 978f-ftGL):2017/07/06(木) 22:53:39.08 ID:DVdpGEOX0.net

825 :風の谷の名無しさん@実況は実況板で@\(^o^)/ (ワッチョイ b7cc-1B52):2017/07/06(木) 22:54:17.41 ID:vtiz/IFX0.net

826 :風の谷の名無しさん@実況は実況板で@\(^o^)/ (ガラプー KK4f-NYBZ):2017/07/06(木) 22:58:07.47 ID:PXckeXOhK.net
>>825 中本くんてのがいる

スピンヲフ 中本くんと青葉ちゃん

途中 二郎くんに寝とられる

827 :風の谷の名無しさん@実況は実況板で@\(^o^)/ (ワッチョイ b717-rvkC):2017/07/06(木) 23:02:49.05 ID:i1kJQKYf0.net

828 :シシイモ & ◆iArJJ4AT2xXP @\(^o^)/ (ワッチョイ 978f-ftGL):2017/07/06(木) 23:08:39.80 ID:DVdpGEOX0.net
Pink Housesすきだし

829 :風の谷の名無しさん@実況は実況板で@\(^o^)/ (ブーイモ MMcf-KVsL):2017/07/06(木) 23:18:42.34 ID:u9ypL6SAM.net

830 :風の谷の名無しさん@実況は実況板で@\(^o^)/ (ワッチョイ 775b-Gnp+):2017/07/06(木) 23:33:48.57 ID:fV1rXmW50.net

831 :風の谷の名無しさん@実況は実況板で@\(^o^)/ (ワッチョイ f779-o+VF):2017/07/07(金) 00:48:53.43 ID:yfyEF0Mf0.net

832 :風の谷の名無しさん@実況は実況板で@\(^o^)/ (ワッチョイ 9f64-m5Ug):2017/07/07(金) 00:52:46.99 ID:DC9VFJpO0.net

833 :風の谷の名無しさん@実況は実況板で@\(^o^)/ (スップ Sdbf-9DAm):2017/07/07(金) 02:31:53.39 ID:WBpESADAd.net
☆ほ☆"Authority Song"John Mellencamp

It's how the hustle goes, see what the jukebox knows.
Put my last quarter on, I play "Authority Song".
Honesty or mystery?
Tell me I'm not scared anymore.
I got no secret purpose, I don't seem obvious do I?
I don't seem obvious do I?
The DJ never has it, J A M C Automatic.
If those were Roy's headphones, you bet he'd play "What Goes On".
Honesty or mystery?
Tell me I'm not scared anymore.
I got no secret purpose, I don't seem obvious do I?
I don't seem obvious do I?
Oh I'm here, that means something doesn't it?
Oh won't you dance with me a little bit?
Oh you don't notice, I guess the music's too loud.
It's how the hustle goes, see what the jukebox knows.
Put my last quarter on, I play "Authority Song".
Honesty or mystery?
Tell me I'm not scared anymore.
Say anything you want already I'm not scared anymore.
Honesty or mystery?
Want something else?
Just tell me I'm not scared anymore.
I got no secret purpose, I don't seem obvious do I?
I don't seem obvious do I?

834 :風の谷の名無しさん@実況は実況板で@\(^o^)/ (スップ Sdbf-9DAm):2017/07/07(金) 02:32:09.99 ID:WBpESADAd.net
"Authority Song"

It's how the hustle goes, see what the jukebox knows.
Put my last quarter on, I play "Authority Song".
Honesty or mystery?
Tell me I'm not scared anymore.
I got no secret purpose, I don't seem obvious do I?
I don't seem obvious do I?
The DJ never has it, J A M C Automatic.
If those were Roy's headphones, you bet he'd play "What Goes On".
Honesty or mystery?
Tell me I'm not scared anymore.
I got no secret purpose, I don't seem obvious do I?
I don't seem obvious do I?
Oh I'm here, that means something doesn't it?
Oh won't you dance with me a little bit?
Oh you don't notice, I guess the music's too loud.
It's how the hustle goes, see what the jukebox knows.
Put my last quarter on, I play "Authority Song".
Honesty or mystery?
Tell me I'm not scared anymore.
Say anything you want already I'm not scared anymore.
Honesty or mystery?
Want something else?
Just tell me I'm not scared anymore.
I got no secret purpose, I don't seem obvious do I?
I don't seem obvious do I?

835 :風の谷の名無しさん@実況は実況板で@\(^o^)/ (スップ Sdbf-9DAm):2017/07/07(金) 02:32:37.68 ID:WBpESADAd.net
"Authority Song"John Mellencamp

It's how the hustle goes, see what the jukebox knows.
Put my last quarter on, I play "Authority Song".
Honesty or mystery?
Tell me I'm not scared anymore.
I got no secret purpose, I don't seem obvious do I?
I don't seem obvious do I?
The DJ never has it, J A M C Automatic.
If those were Roy's headphones, you bet he'd play "What Goes On".
Honesty or mystery?
Tell me I'm not scared anymore.
I got no secret purpose, I don't seem obvious do I?
I don't seem obvious do I?
Oh I'm here, that means something doesn't it?
Oh won't you dance with me a little bit?
Oh you don't notice, I guess the music's too loud.
It's how the hustle goes, see what the jukebox knows.
Put my last quarter on, I play "Authority Song".
Honesty or mystery?
Tell me I'm not scared anymore.
Say anything you want already I'm not scared anymore.
Honesty or mystery?
Want something else?
Just tell me I'm not scared anymore.
I got no secret purpose, I don't seem obvious do I?
I don't seem obvious do I?

836 :風の谷の名無しさん@実況は実況板で@\(^o^)/ (スップ Sdbf-9DAm):2017/07/07(金) 02:32:57.95 ID:WBpESADAd.net
"Authority Song"☆最高☆

It's how the hustle goes, see what the jukebox knows.
Put my last quarter on, I play "Authority Song".
Honesty or mystery?
Tell me I'm not scared anymore.
I got no secret purpose, I don't seem obvious do I?
I don't seem obvious do I?
The DJ never has it, J A M C Automatic.
If those were Roy's headphones, you bet he'd play "What Goes On".
Honesty or mystery?
Tell me I'm not scared anymore.
I got no secret purpose, I don't seem obvious do I?
I don't seem obvious do I?
Oh I'm here, that means something doesn't it?
Oh won't you dance with me a little bit?
Oh you don't notice, I guess the music's too loud.
It's how the hustle goes, see what the jukebox knows.
Put my last quarter on, I play "Authority Song".
Honesty or mystery?
Tell me I'm not scared anymore.
Say anything you want already I'm not scared anymore.
Honesty or mystery?
Want something else?
Just tell me I'm not scared anymore.
I got no secret purpose, I don't seem obvious do I?
I don't seem obvious do I?

837 :風の谷の名無しさん@実況は実況板で@\(^o^)/ (スップ Sdbf-9DAm):2017/07/07(金) 02:33:12.65 ID:WBpESADAd.net

838 :風の谷の名無しさん@実況は実況板で@\(^o^)/ (スップ Sdbf-9DAm):2017/07/07(金) 02:33:27.28 ID:WBpESADAd.net
"Authority Song"

It's how the hustle goes, see what the jukebox knows.
Put my last quarter on, I play "Authority Song".
Honesty or mystery?
Tell me I'm not scared anymore.
I got no secret purpose, I don't seem obvious do I?
I don't seem obvious do I?
The DJ never has it, J A M C Automatic.
If those were Roy's headphones, you bet he'd play "What Goes On".
Honesty or mystery?
Tell me I'm not scared anymore.
I got no secret purpose, I don't seem obvious do I?
I don't seem obvious do I?
Oh I'm here, that means something doesn't it?
Oh won't you dance with me a little bit?
Oh you don't notice, I guess the music's too loud.
It's how the hustle goes, see what the jukebox knows.
Put my last quarter on, I play "Authority Song".
Honesty or mystery?
Tell me I'm not scared anymore.
Say anything you want already I'm not scared anymore.
Honesty or mystery?
Want something else?
Just tell me I'm not scared anymore.
I got no secret purpose, I don't seem obvious do I?
I don't seem obvious do I?感謝☆

839 :風の谷の名無しさん@実況は実況板で@\(^o^)/ (スップ Sdbf-9DAm):2017/07/07(金) 02:33:41.93 ID:WBpESADAd.net
"Authority Song"

It's how the hustle goes, see what the jukebox knows.
Put my last quarter on, I play "Authority Song".
Honesty or mystery?
Tell me I'm not scared anymore.
I got no secret purpose, I don't seem obvious do I?
I don't seem obvious do I?
The DJ never has it, J A M C Automatic.
If those were Roy's headphones, you bet he'd play "What Goes On".
Honesty or mystery?
Tell me I'm not scared anymore.
I got no secret purpose, I don't seem obvious do I?
I don't seem obvious do I?
Oh I'm here, that means something doesn't it?
Oh won't you dance with me a little bit?
Oh you don't notice, I guess the music's too loud.
It's how the hustle goes, see what the jukebox knows.
Put my last quarter on, I play "Authority Song".
Honesty or mystery?
Tell me I'm not scared anymore.
Say anything you want already I'm not scared anymore.
Honesty or mystery?
Want something else?
Just tell me I'm not scared anymore.
I got no secret purpose, I don't seem obvious do I?
I don't seem obvious do I?大感謝☆

840 :風の谷の名無しさん@実況は実況板で@\(^o^)/ (スップ Sdbf-9DAm):2017/07/07(金) 02:33:58.20 ID:WBpESADAd.net
"Authority Song"

It's how the hustle goes, see what the jukebox knows.
Put my last quarter on, I play "Authority Song".
Honesty or mystery?
Tell me I'm not scared anymore.
I got no secret purpose, I don't seem obvious do I?
I don't seem obvious do I?
The DJ never has it, J A M C Automatic.
If those were Roy's headphones, you bet he'd play "What Goes On".
Honesty or mystery?
Tell me I'm not scared anymore.
I got no secret purpose, I don't seem obvious do I?
I don't seem obvious do I?
Oh I'm here, that means something doesn't it?
Oh won't you dance with me a little bit?
Oh you don't notice, I guess the music's too loud.
It's how the hustle goes, see what the jukebox knows.
Put my last quarter on, I play "Authority Song".
Honesty or mystery?
Tell me I'm not scared anymore.
Say anything you want already I'm not scared anymore.
Honesty or mystery?
Want something else?
Just tell me I'm not scared anymore.
I got no secret purpose, I don't seem obvious do I?
I don't seem obvious do I?☆☆最高傑作

841 :風の谷の名無しさん@実況は実況板で@\(^o^)/ (スップ Sdbf-9DAm):2017/07/07(金) 02:34:12.05 ID:WBpESADAd.net
"Authority Song"

It's how the hustle goes, see what the jukebox knows.
Put my last quarter on, I play "Authority Song".
Honesty or mystery?
Tell me I'm not scared anymore.
I got no secret purpose, I don't seem obvious do I?
I don't seem obvious do I?
The DJ never has it, J A M C Automatic.
If those were Roy's headphones, you bet he'd play "What Goes On".
Honesty or mystery?
Tell me I'm not scared anymore.
I got no secret purpose, I don't seem obvious do I?
I don't seem obvious do I?
Oh I'm here, that means something doesn't it?
Oh won't you dance with me a little bit?
Oh you don't notice, I guess the music's too loud.
It's how the hustle goes, see what the jukebox knows.
Put my last quarter on, I play "Authority Song".
Honesty or mystery?
Tell me I'm not scared anymore.
Say anything you want already I'm not scared anymore.
Honesty or mystery?
Want something else?
Just tell me I'm not scared anymore.
I got no secret purpose, I don't seem obvious do I?
I don't seem obvious do I?顔☆

842 :風の谷の名無しさん@実況は実況板で@\(^o^)/ (スップ Sdbf-cUul):2017/07/07(金) 02:34:22.63 ID:WBpESADAd.net

843 :風の谷の名無しさん@実況は実況板で@\(^o^)/ (スップ Sdbf-cUul):2017/07/07(金) 02:34:36.08 ID:WBpESADAd.net
"Authority Song"

It's how the hustle goes, see what the jukebox knows.
Put my last quarter on, I play "Authority Song".
Honesty or mystery?
Tell me I'm not scared anymore.
I got no secret purpose, I don't seem obvious do I?
I don't seem obvious do I?
The DJ never has it, J A M C Automatic.
If those were Roy's headphones, you bet he'd play "What Goes On".
Honesty or mystery?
Tell me I'm not scared anymore.
I got no secret purpose, I don't seem obvious do I?
I don't seem obvious do I?
Oh I'm here, that means something doesn't it?
Oh won't you dance with me a little bit?
Oh you don't notice, I guess the music's too loud.
It's how the hustle goes, see what the jukebox knows.
Put my last quarter on, I play "Authority Song".
Honesty or mystery?
Tell me I'm not scared anymore.
Say anything you want already I'm not scared anymore.
Honesty or mystery?
Want something else?
Just tell me I'm not scared anymore.
I got no secret purpose, I don't seem obvious do I?
I don't seem obvious do I?感謝感謝

844 :風の谷の名無しさん@実況は実況板で@\(^o^)/ (スップ Sdbf-cUul):2017/07/07(金) 02:34:50.80 ID:WBpESADAd.net
"Authority Song"

It's how the hustle goes, see what the jukebox knows.
Put my last quarter on, I play "Authority Song".
Honesty or mystery?
Tell me I'm not scared anymore.
I got no secret purpose, I don't seem obvious do I?
I don't seem obvious do I?
The DJ never has it, J A M C Automatic.
If those were Roy's headphones, you bet he'd play "What Goes On".
Honesty or mystery?
Tell me I'm not scared anymore.
I got no secret purpose, I don't seem obvious do I?
I don't seem obvious do I?
Oh I'm here, that means something doesn't it?
Oh won't you dance with me a little bit?
Oh you don't notice, I guess the music's too loud.
It's how the hustle goes, see what the jukebox knows.
Put my last quarter on, I play "Authority Song".
Honesty or mystery?
Tell me I'm not scared anymore.
Say anything you want already I'm not scared anymore.
Honesty or mystery?
Want something else?
Just tell me I'm not scared anymore.
I got no secret purpose, I don't seem obvious do I?
I don't seem obvious do I?うわー

845 :風の谷の名無しさん@実況は実況板で@\(^o^)/ (スップ Sdbf-cUul):2017/07/07(金) 02:35:06.47 ID:WBpESADAd.net
"Authority Song"

It's how the hustle goes, see what the jukebox knows.
Put my last quarter on, I play "Authority Song".
Honesty or mystery?
Tell me I'm not scared anymore.
I got no secret purpose, I don't seem obvious do I?
I don't seem obvious do I?
The DJ never has it, J A M C Automatic.
If those were Roy's headphones, you bet he'd play "What Goes On".
Honesty or mystery?
Tell me I'm not scared anymore.
I got no secret purpose, I don't seem obvious do I?
I don't seem obvious do I?
Oh I'm here, that means something doesn't it?
Oh won't you dance with me a little bit?
Oh you don't notice, I guess the music's too loud.
It's how the hustle goes, see what the jukebox knows.
Put my last quarter on, I play "Authority Song".
Honesty or mystery?
Tell me I'm not scared anymore.
Say anything you want already I'm not scared anymore.
Honesty or mystery?
Want something else?
Just tell me I'm not scared anymore.
I got no secret purpose, I don't seem obvious do I?
I don't seem obvious do I?顔☆☆い

846 :風の谷の名無しさん@実況は実況板で@\(^o^)/ (スップ Sdbf-cUul):2017/07/07(金) 02:35:20.04 ID:WBpESADAd.net
"Authority Song"

It's how the hustle goes, see what the jukebox knows.
Put my last quarter on, I play "Authority Song".
Honesty or mystery?
Tell me I'm not scared anymore.
I got no secret purpose, I don't seem obvious do I?
I don't seem obvious do I?
The DJ never has it, J A M C Automatic.
If those were Roy's headphones, you bet he'd play "What Goes On".
Honesty or mystery?
Tell me I'm not scared anymore.
I got no secret purpose, I don't seem obvious do I?
I don't seem obvious do I?
Oh I'm here, that means something doesn't it?
Oh won't you dance with me a little bit?
Oh you don't notice, I guess the music's too loud.
It's how the hustle goes, see what the jukebox knows.
Put my last quarter on, I play "Authority Song".
Honesty or mystery?
Tell me I'm not scared anymore.
Say anything you want already I'm not scared anymore.
Honesty or mystery?
Want something else?
Just tell me I'm not scared anymore.
I got no secret purpose, I don't seem obvious do I?
I don't seem obvious do I?イーヨー

847 :風の谷の名無しさん@実況は実況板で@\(^o^)/ (スップ Sdbf-cUul):2017/07/07(金) 02:35:34.80 ID:WBpESADAd.net

848 :風の谷の名無しさん@実況は実況板で@\(^o^)/ (スップ Sdbf-cUul):2017/07/07(金) 02:35:49.97 ID:WBpESADAd.net
"Authority Song"

It's how the hustle goes, see what the jukebox knows.
Put my last quarter on, I play "Authority Song".
Honesty or mystery?
Tell me I'm not scared anymore.
I got no secret purpose, I don't seem obvious do I?
I don't seem obvious do I?
The DJ never has it, J A M C Automatic.
If those were Roy's headphones, you bet he'd play "What Goes On".
Honesty or mystery?
Tell me I'm not scared anymore.
I got no secret purpose, I don't seem obvious do I?
I don't seem obvious do I?
Oh I'm here, that means something doesn't it?
Oh won't you dance with me a little bit?
Oh you don't notice, I guess the music's too loud.
It's how the hustle goes, see what the jukebox knows.
Put my last quarter on, I play "Authority Song".
Honesty or mystery?
Tell me I'm not scared anymore.
Say anything you want already I'm not scared anymore.
Honesty or mystery?
Want something else?
Just tell me I'm not scared anymore.
I got no secret purpose, I don't seem obvious do I?
I don't seem obvious do I?えぇ

849 :風の谷の名無しさん@実況は実況板で@\(^o^)/ (スップ Sdbf-cUul):2017/07/07(金) 02:36:03.30 ID:WBpESADAd.net
"Authority Song"

It's how the hustle goes, see what the jukebox knows.
Put my last quarter on, I play "Authority Song".
Honesty or mystery?
Tell me I'm not scared anymore.
I got no secret purpose, I don't seem obvious do I?
I don't seem obvious do I?
The DJ never has it, J A M C Automatic.
If those were Roy's headphones, you bet he'd play "What Goes On".
Honesty or mystery?
Tell me I'm not scared anymore.
I got no secret purpose, I don't seem obvious do I?
I don't seem obvious do I?
Oh I'm here, that means something doesn't it?
Oh won't you dance with me a little bit?
Oh you don't notice, I guess the music's too loud.
It's how the hustle goes, see what the jukebox knows.
Put my last quarter on, I play "Authority Song".
Honesty or mystery?
Tell me I'm not scared anymore.
Say anything you want already I'm not scared anymore.
Honesty or mystery?
Want something else?
Just tell me I'm not scared anymore.
I got no secret purpose, I don't seem obvious do I?
I don't seem obvious do I?汚ねえ

850 :風の谷の名無しさん@実況は実況板で@\(^o^)/ (スップ Sdbf-9DAm):2017/07/07(金) 02:36:19.11 ID:WBpESADAd.net
"Authority Song"

It's how the hustle goes, see what the jukebox knows.
Put my last quarter on, I play "Authority Song".
Honesty or mystery?
Tell me I'm not scared anymore.
I got no secret purpose, I don't seem obvious do I?
I don't seem obvious do I?
The DJ never has it, J A M C Automatic.
If those were Roy's headphones, you bet he'd play "What Goes On".
Honesty or mystery?
Tell me I'm not scared anymore.
I got no secret purpose, I don't seem obvious do I?
I don't seem obvious do I?
Oh I'm here, that means something doesn't it?
Oh won't you dance with me a little bit?
Oh you don't notice, I guess the music's too loud.
It's how the hustle goes, see what the jukebox knows.
Put my last quarter on, I play "Authority Song".
Honesty or mystery?
Tell me I'm not scared anymore.
Say anything you want already I'm not scared anymore.
Honesty or mystery?
Want something else?
Just tell me I'm not scared anymore.
I got no secret purpose, I don't seem obvious do I?
I don't seem obvious do I?奴

851 :風の谷の名無しさん@実況は実況板で@\(^o^)/ (スップ Sdbf-9DAm):2017/07/07(金) 02:36:32.36 ID:WBpESADAd.net
"Authority Song"

It's how the hustle goes, see what the jukebox knows.
Put my last quarter on, I play "Authority Song".
Honesty or mystery?
Tell me I'm not scared anymore.
I got no secret purpose, I don't seem obvious do I?
I don't seem obvious do I?
The DJ never has it, J A M C Automatic.
If those were Roy's headphones, you bet he'd play "What Goes On".
Honesty or mystery?
Tell me I'm not scared anymore.
I got no secret purpose, I don't seem obvious do I?
I don't seem obvious do I?
Oh I'm here, that means something doesn't it?
Oh won't you dance with me a little bit?
Oh you don't notice, I guess the music's too loud.
It's how the hustle goes, see what the jukebox knows.
Put my last quarter on, I play "Authority Song".
Honesty or mystery?
Tell me I'm not scared anymore.
Say anything you want already I'm not scared anymore.
Honesty or mystery?
Want something else?
Just tell me I'm not scared anymore.
I got no secret purpose, I don't seem obvious do I?
I don't seem obvious do I?やばし

852 :風の谷の名無しさん@実況は実況板で@\(^o^)/ (スップ Sdbf-ftGL):2017/07/07(金) 02:38:22.25 ID:5uVyo6WCd.net

853 :風の谷の名無しさん@実況は実況板で@\(^o^)/ (スップ Sdbf-/BKJ):2017/07/07(金) 02:38:43.20 ID:5uVyo6WCd.net
"Authority Song"

It's how the hustle goes, see what the jukebox knows.
Put my last quarter on, I play "Authority Song".
Honesty or mystery?
Tell me I'm not scared anymore.
I got no secret purpose, I don't seem obvious do I?
I don't seem obvious do I?
The DJ never has it, J A M C Automatic.
If those were Roy's headphones, you bet he'd play "What Goes On".
Honesty or mystery?
Tell me I'm not scared anymore.
I got no secret purpose, I don't seem obvious do I?
I don't seem obvious do I?
Oh I'm here, that means something doesn't it?
Oh won't you dance with me a little bit?
Oh you don't notice, I guess the music's too loud.
It's how the hustle goes, see what the jukebox knows.
Put my last quarter on, I play "Authority Song".
Honesty or mystery?
Tell me I'm not scared anymore.
Say anything you want already I'm not scared anymore.
Honesty or mystery?
Want something else?
Just tell me I'm not scared anymore.
I got no secret purpose, I don't seem obvious do I?
I don't seem obvious do I?サカナ

854 :風の谷の名無しさん@実況は実況板で@\(^o^)/ (スプッッ Sddf-Wxq/):2017/07/07(金) 02:39:39.18 ID:AE3pC3DWd.net

855 :風の谷の名無しさん@実況は実況板で@\(^o^)/ (スプッッ Sddf-Wxq/):2017/07/07(金) 02:41:32.75 ID:AE3pC3DWd.net
Key West Intermezzo (I Saw You First)
John Mellencamp

In a hand painted night, me and Gypsy Scotty are partners
At the Hotel Flamingo, wearin black market shoes
This loud Cuban band is crucifying John Lennon
No one wants to be lonely, no one wants to sing the blues

She's perched like a parrot on his tuxedo shoulder
Christ, what's she doing with him she could be dancing with me
She stirs the ice in her glass with her elegant finger
I want to be what she's drinking, yeah I just want to be

856 :風の谷の名無しさん@実況は実況板で@\(^o^)/ (スプッッ Sddf-Wxq/):2017/07/07(金) 02:41:49.06 ID:AE3pC3DWd.net
Key West Intermezzo (I Saw You First)
John Mellencamp

In a hand painted night, me and Gypsy Scotty are partners
At the Hotel Flamingo, wearin black market shoes
This loud Cuban band is crucifying John Lennon
No one wants to be lonely, no one wants to sing the blues

She's perched like a parrot on his tuxedo shoulder
Christ, what's she doing with him she could be dancing with me
She stirs the ice in her glass with her elegant finger
I want to be what she's drinking, yeah I just want to be へい

857 :風の谷の名無しさん@実況は実況板で@\(^o^)/ (スプッッ Sddf-Wxq/):2017/07/07(金) 02:42:04.86 ID:AE3pC3DWd.net
Key West Intermezzo (I Saw You First)
John Mellencamp

In a hand painted night, me and Gypsy Scotty are partners
At the Hotel Flamingo, wearin black market shoes
This loud Cuban band is crucifying John Lennon
No one wants to be lonely, no one wants to sing the blues

She's perched like a parrot on his tuxedo shoulder
Christ, what's she doing with him she could be dancing with me
She stirs the ice in her glass with her elegant finger
I want to be what she's drinking, yeah I just want to beそいや

858 :風の谷の名無しさん@実況は実況板で@\(^o^)/ (スプッッ Sddf-Wxq/):2017/07/07(金) 02:42:19.39 ID:AE3pC3DWd.net
Key West Intermezzo (I Saw You First)
John Mellencamp

In a hand painted night, me and Gypsy Scotty are partners
At the Hotel Flamingo, wearin black market shoes
This loud Cuban band is crucifying John Lennon
No one wants to be lonely, no one wants to sing the blues

She's perched like a parrot on his tuxedo shoulder
Christ, what's she doing with him she could be dancing with me
She stirs the ice in her glass with her elegant finger
I want to be what she's drinking, yeah I just want to beたの

859 :風の谷の名無しさん@実況は実況板で@\(^o^)/ (スプッッ Sddf-Wxq/):2017/07/07(金) 02:42:46.03 ID:AE3pC3DWd.net

860 :風の谷の名無しさん@実況は実況板で@\(^o^)/ (スプッッ Sddf-Wxq/):2017/07/07(金) 02:43:07.64 ID:AE3pC3DWd.net
Key West Intermezzo (I Saw You First)
John Mellencamp

In a hand painted night, me and Gypsy Scotty are partners
At the Hotel Flamingo, wearin black market shoes
This loud Cuban band is crucifying John Lennon
No one wants to be lonely, no one wants to sing the blues

She's perched like a parrot on his tuxedo shoulder
Christ, what's she doing with him she could be dancing with me
She stirs the ice in her glass with her elegant finger
I want to be what she's drinking, yeah I just want to be>>908 l

861 :風の谷の名無しさん@実況は実況板で@\(^o^)/ (スプッッ Sddf-Wxq/):2017/07/07(金) 02:43:23.63 ID:AE3pC3DWd.net
Key West Intermezzo (I Saw You First)
John Mellencamp

In a hand painted night, me and Gypsy Scotty are partners
At the Hotel Flamingo, wearin black market shoes
This loud Cuban band is crucifying John Lennon
No one wants to be lonely, no one wants to sing the blues

She's perched like a parrot on his tuxedo shoulder
Christ, what's she doing with him she could be dancing with me
She stirs the ice in her glass with her elegant finger
I want to be what she's drinking, yeah I just want to be bb2c

862 :風の谷の名無しさん@実況は実況板で@\(^o^)/ (スプッッ Sddf-Wxq/):2017/07/07(金) 02:43:41.67 ID:AE3pC3DWd.net

863 :風の谷の名無しさん@実況は実況板で@\(^o^)/ (スプッッ Sddf-Wxq/):2017/07/07(金) 02:43:57.58 ID:AE3pC3DWd.net
Key West Intermezzo (I Saw You First)
John Mellencamp

In a hand painted night, me and Gypsy Scotty are partners
At the Hotel Flamingo, wearin black market shoes
This loud Cuban band is crucifying John Lennon
No one wants to be lonely, no one wants to sing the blues

She's perched like a parrot on his tuxedo shoulder
Christ, what's she doing with him she could be dancing with me
She stirs the ice in her glass with her elegant finger
I want to be what she's drinking, yeah I just want to be ふあいや

864 :風の谷の名無しさん@実況は実況板で@\(^o^)/ (スプッッ Sddf-Wxq/):2017/07/07(金) 02:44:11.42 ID:AE3pC3DWd.net
Key West Intermezzo (I Saw You First)
John Mellencamp

In a hand painted night, me and Gypsy Scotty are partners
At the Hotel Flamingo, wearin black market shoes
This loud Cuban band is crucifying John Lennon
No one wants to be lonely, no one wants to sing the blues

She's perched like a parrot on his tuxedo shoulder
Christ, what's she doing with him she could be dancing with me
She stirs the ice in her glass with her elegant finger
I want to be what she's drinking, yeah I just want to be 恋

865 :風の谷の名無しさん@実況は実況板で@\(^o^)/ (スプッッ Sddf-Wxq/):2017/07/07(金) 02:44:41.80 ID:AE3pC3DWd.net
Key West Intermezzo (I Saw You First)
John Mellencamp

In a hand painted night, me and Gypsy Scotty are partners
At the Hotel Flamingo, wearin black market shoes
This loud Cuban band is crucifying John Lennon
No one wants to be lonely, no one wants to sing the blues

She's perched like a parrot on his tuxedo shoulder
Christ, what's she doing with him she could be dancing with me
She stirs the ice in her glass with her elegant finger
I want to be what she's drinking, yeah I just want to be なも無し

866 :風の谷の名無しさん@実況は実況板で@\(^o^)/ (スプッッ Sddf-Wxq/):2017/07/07(金) 02:44:58.94 ID:AE3pC3DWd.net

867 :風の谷の名無しさん@実況は実況板で@\(^o^)/ (スプッッ Sddf-Wxq/):2017/07/07(金) 02:45:16.62 ID:AE3pC3DWd.net
Key West Intermezzo (I Saw You First)
John Mellencamp

In a hand painted night, me and Gypsy Scotty are partners
At the Hotel Flamingo, wearin black market shoes
This loud Cuban band is crucifying John Lennon
No one wants to be lonely, no one wants to sing the blues

She's perched like a parrot on his tuxedo shoulder
Christ, what's she doing with him she could be dancing with me
She stirs the ice in her glass with her elegant finger
I want to be what she's drinking, yeah I just want to be罵倒語

868 :風の谷の名無しさん@実況は実況板で@\(^o^)/ (スプッッ Sddf-Wxq/):2017/07/07(金) 02:45:33.38 ID:AE3pC3DWd.net
Key West Intermezzo (I Saw You First)
John Mellencamp

In a hand painted night, me and Gypsy Scotty are partners
At the Hotel Flamingo, wearin black market shoes
This loud Cuban band is crucifying John Lennon
No one wants to be lonely, no one wants to sing the blues

She's perched like a parrot on his tuxedo shoulder
Christ, what's she doing with him she could be dancing with me
She stirs the ice in her glass with her elegant finger
I want to be what she's drinking, yeah I just want to be屁こ

869 :風の谷の名無しさん@実況は実況板で@\(^o^)/ (スプッッ Sddf-Wxq/):2017/07/07(金) 02:45:48.63 ID:AE3pC3DWd.net
あさましKey West Intermezzo (I Saw You First)
John Mellencamp

In a hand painted night, me and Gypsy Scotty are partners
At the Hotel Flamingo, wearin black market shoes
This loud Cuban band is crucifying John Lennon
No one wants to be lonely, no one wants to sing the blues

She's perched like a parrot on his tuxedo shoulder
Christ, what's she doing with him she could be dancing with me
She stirs the ice in her glass with her elegant finger
I want to be what she's drinking, yeah I just want to be

870 :風の谷の名無しさん@実況は実況板で@\(^o^)/ (スプッッ Sddf-Wxq/):2017/07/07(金) 02:46:06.22 ID:AE3pC3DWd.net
Key West Intermezzo (I Saw You First)
John Mellencamp

In a hand painted night, me and Gypsy Scotty are partners
At the Hotel Flamingo, wearin black market shoes
This loud Cuban band is crucifying John Lennon
No one wants to be lonely, no one wants to sing the blues

She's perched like a parrot on his tuxedo shoulder
Christ, what's she doing with him she could be dancing with me
She stirs the ice in her glass with her elegant finger
I want to be what she's drinking, yeah I just want to beこんなや

871 :風の谷の名無しさん@実況は実況板で@\(^o^)/ (スプッッ Sddf-Wxq/):2017/07/07(金) 02:46:22.69 ID:AE3pC3DWd.net

872 :風の谷の名無しさん@実況は実況板で@\(^o^)/ (スプッッ Sddf-Wxq/):2017/07/07(金) 02:46:37.86 ID:AE3pC3DWd.net
Key West Intermezzo (I Saw You First)
John Mellencamp

In a hand painted night, me and Gypsy Scotty are partners
At the Hotel Flamingo, wearin black market shoes
This loud Cuban band is crucifying John Lennon
No one wants to be lonely, no one wants to sing the blues

She's perched like a parrot on his tuxedo shoulder
Christ, what's she doing with him she could be dancing with me
She stirs the ice in her glass with her elegant finger
I want to be what she's drinking, yeah I just want to beコカコーラ

873 :風の谷の名無しさん@実況は実況板で@\(^o^)/ (スプッッ Sddf-Wxq/):2017/07/07(金) 02:46:53.32 ID:AE3pC3DWd.net
Key West Intermezzo (I Saw You First)
John Mellencamp

In a hand painted night, me and Gypsy Scotty are partners
At the Hotel Flamingo, wearin black market shoes
This loud Cuban band is crucifying John Lennon
No one wants to be lonely, no one wants to sing the blues

She's perched like a parrot on his tuxedo shoulder
Christ, what's she doing with him she could be dancing with me
She stirs the ice in her glass with her elegant finger
I want to be what she's drinking, yeah I just want to be駒場

874 :風の谷の名無しさん@実況は実況板で@\(^o^)/ (スプッッ Sddf-Wxq/):2017/07/07(金) 02:47:07.48 ID:AE3pC3DWd.net
Key West Intermezzo (I Saw You First)
John Mellencamp

In a hand painted night, me and Gypsy Scotty are partners
At the Hotel Flamingo, wearin black market shoes
This loud Cuban band is crucifying John Lennon
No one wants to be lonely, no one wants to sing the blues

She's perched like a parrot on his tuxedo shoulder
Christ, what's she doing with him she could be dancing with me
She stirs the ice in her glass with her elegant finger
I want to be what she's drinking, yeah I just want to beなななか

875 :風の谷の名無しさん@実況は実況板で@\(^o^)/ (スプッッ Sddf-Wxq/):2017/07/07(金) 02:47:57.81 ID:AE3pC3DWd.net

876 :風の谷の名無しさん@実況は実況板で@\(^o^)/ (スプッッ Sddf-Wxq/):2017/07/07(金) 02:48:18.65 ID:AE3pC3DWd.net
Key West Intermezzo (I Saw You First)
John Mellencamp

In a hand painted night, me and Gypsy Scotty are partners
At the Hotel Flamingo, wearin black market shoes
This loud Cuban band is crucifying John Lennon
No one wants to be lonely, no one wants to sing the blues

She's perched like a parrot on his tuxedo shoulder
Christ, what's she doing with him she could be dancing with me
She stirs the ice in her glass with her elegant finger
I want to be what she's drinking, yeah I just want to be佐々木

877 :風の谷の名無しさん@実況は実況板で@\(^o^)/ (スプッッ Sddf-Wxq/):2017/07/07(金) 02:48:39.32 ID:AE3pC3DWd.net
Key West Intermezzo (I Saw You First)
John Mellencamp

In a hand painted night, me and Gypsy Scotty are partners
At the Hotel Flamingo, wearin black market shoes
This loud Cuban band is crucifying John Lennon
No one wants to be lonely, no one wants to sing the blues

She's perched like a parrot on his tuxedo shoulder
Christ, what's she doing with him she could be dancing with me
She stirs the ice in her glass with her elegant finger
I want to be what she's drinking, yeah I just want to be早苗

878 :風の谷の名無しさん@実況は実況板で@\(^o^)/ (スプッッ Sddf-Wxq/):2017/07/07(金) 02:48:59.85 ID:AE3pC3DWd.net
Key West Intermezzo (I Saw You First)
John Mellencamp

In a hand painted night, me and Gypsy Scotty are partners
At the Hotel Flamingo, wearin black market shoes
This loud Cuban band is crucifying John Lennon
No one wants to be lonely, no one wants to sing the blues

She's perched like a parrot on his tuxedo shoulder
Christ, what's she doing with him she could be dancing with me
She stirs the ice in her glass with her elegant finger
I want to be what she's drinking, yeah I just want to beあぼし

879 :風の谷の名無しさん@実況は実況板で@\(^o^)/ (スプッッ Sddf-Wxq/):2017/07/07(金) 02:49:17.11 ID:AE3pC3DWd.net
Key West Intermezzo (I Saw You First)
John Mellencamp

In a hand painted night, me and Gypsy Scotty are partners
At the Hotel Flamingo, wearin black market shoes
This loud Cuban band is crucifying John Lennon
No one wants to be lonely, no one wants to sing the blues

She's perched like a parrot on his tuxedo shoulder
Christ, what's she doing with him she could be dancing with me
She stirs the ice in her glass with her elegant finger
I want to be what she's drinking, yeah I just want to beあぼしサカナ

880 :風の谷の名無しさん@実況は実況板で@\(^o^)/ (スプッッ Sddf-Wxq/):2017/07/07(金) 02:49:36.15 ID:AE3pC3DWd.net

881 :風の谷の名無しさん@実況は実況板で@\(^o^)/ (スプッッ Sddf-Wxq/):2017/07/07(金) 02:49:56.37 ID:AE3pC3DWd.net
Key West Intermezzo (I Saw You First)
John Mellencamp

In a hand painted night, me and Gypsy Scotty are partners
At the Hotel Flamingo, wearin black market shoes
This loud Cuban band is crucifying John Lennon
No one wants to be lonely, no one wants to sing the blues

She's perched like a parrot on his tuxedo shoulder
Christ, what's she doing with him she could be dancing with me
She stirs the ice in her glass with her elegant finger
I want to be what she's drinking, yeah I just want to be花子カントリー

882 :風の谷の名無しさん@実況は実況板で@\(^o^)/ (スプッッ Sddf-Wxq/):2017/07/07(金) 02:50:15.88 ID:AE3pC3DWd.net
Key West Intermezzo (I Saw You First)
John Mellencamp

In a hand painted night, me and Gypsy Scotty are partners
At the Hotel Flamingo, wearin black market shoes
This loud Cuban band is crucifying John Lennon
No one wants to be lonely, no one wants to sing the blues

She's perched like a parrot on his tuxedo shoulder
Christ, what's she doing with him she could be dancing with me
She stirs the ice in her glass with her elegant finger
I want to be what she's drinking, yeah I just want to be視野

883 :風の谷の名無しさん@実況は実況板で@\(^o^)/ (スプッッ Sddf-Wxq/):2017/07/07(金) 02:50:34.38 ID:AE3pC3DWd.net
Key West Intermezzo (I Saw You First)
John Mellencamp

In a hand painted night, me and Gypsy Scotty are partners
At the Hotel Flamingo, wearin black market shoes
This loud Cuban band is crucifying John Lennon
No one wants to be lonely, no one wants to sing the blues

She's perched like a parrot on his tuxedo shoulder
Christ, what's she doing with him she could be dancing with me
She stirs the ice in her glass with her elegant finger
I want to be what she's drinking, yeah I just want to beすごし

884 :風の谷の名無しさん@実況は実況板で@\(^o^)/ (スプッッ Sddf-Wxq/):2017/07/07(金) 02:50:53.14 ID:AE3pC3DWd.net
Key West Intermezzo (I Saw You First)
John Mellencamp

In a hand painted night, me and Gypsy Scotty are partners
At the Hotel Flamingo, wearin black market shoes
This loud Cuban band is crucifying John Lennon
No one wants to be lonely, no one wants to sing the blues

She's perched like a parrot on his tuxedo shoulder
Christ, what's she doing with him she could be dancing with me
She stirs the ice in her glass with her elegant finger
I want to be what she's drinking, yeah I just want to be語れないんだろ

885 :風の谷の名無しさん@実況は実況板で@\(^o^)/ (スプッッ Sddf-Wxq/):2017/07/07(金) 02:51:12.64 ID:AE3pC3DWd.net
Key West Intermezzo (I Saw You First)
John Mellencamp

In a hand painted night, me and Gypsy Scotty are partners
At the Hotel Flamingo, wearin black market shoes
This loud Cuban band is crucifying John Lennon
No one wants to be lonely, no one wants to sing the blues

She's perched like a parrot on his tuxedo shoulder
Christ, what's she doing with him she could be dancing with me
She stirs the ice in her glass with her elegant finger
I want to be what she's drinking, yeah I just want to beパスたち

886 :風の谷の名無しさん@実況は実況板で@\(^o^)/ (スップ Sdbf-Wxq/):2017/07/07(金) 02:54:26.51 ID:EHv/lx+2d.net

887 :風の谷の名無しさん@実況は実況板で@\(^o^)/ (スップ Sdbf-Wxq/):2017/07/07(金) 02:54:56.07 ID:EHv/lx+2d.net
Key West Intermezzo (I Saw You First)
John Mellencamp

In a hand painted night, me and Gypsy Scotty are partners
At the Hotel Flamingo, wearin black market shoes
This loud Cuban band is crucifying John Lennon
No one wants to be lonely, no one wants to sing the blues

She's perched like a parrot on his tuxedo shoulder
Christ, what's she doing with him she could be dancing with me
She stirs the ice in her glass with her elegant finger
I want to be what she's drinking, yeah I just want to beなんだと思うのならそれで良い

888 :風の谷の名無しさん@実況は実況板で@\(^o^)/ (スップ Sdbf-Wxq/):2017/07/07(金) 02:55:21.28 ID:EHv/lx+2d.net
Key West Intermezzo (I Saw You First)
John Mellencamp

In a hand painted night, me and Gypsy Scotty are partners
At the Hotel Flamingo, wearin black market shoes
This loud Cuban band is crucifying John Lennon
No one wants to be lonely, no one wants to sing the blues

She's perched like a parrot on his tuxedo shoulder
Christ, what's she doing with him she could be dancing with me
She stirs the ice in her glass with her elegant finger
I want to be what she's drinking, yeah I just want to beかた焼き谷々さんなかろうがな

889 :風の谷の名無しさん@実況は実況板で@\(^o^)/ (スップ Sdbf-Wxq/):2017/07/07(金) 02:55:43.21 ID:EHv/lx+2d.net
Key West Intermezzo (I Saw You First)
John Mellencamp

In a hand painted night, me and Gypsy Scotty are partners
At the Hotel Flamingo, wearin black market shoes
This loud Cuban band is crucifying John Lennon
No one wants to be lonely, no one wants to sing the blues

She's perched like a parrot on his tuxedo shoulder
Christ, what's she doing with him she could be dancing with me
She stirs the ice in her glass with her elegant finger
I want to be what she's drinking, yeah I just want to beゃな

890 :風の谷の名無しさん@実況は実況板で@\(^o^)/ (スップ Sdbf-Wxq/):2017/07/07(金) 02:56:06.63 ID:EHv/lx+2d.net

891 :風の谷の名無しさん@実況は実況板で@\(^o^)/ (スップ Sdbf-Wxq/):2017/07/07(金) 02:56:27.93 ID:EHv/lx+2d.net
Key West Intermezzo (I Saw You First)
John Mellencamp

In a hand painted night, me and Gypsy Scotty are partners
At the Hotel Flamingo, wearin black market shoes
This loud Cuban band is crucifying John Lennon
No one wants to be lonely, no one wants to sing the blues

She's perched like a parrot on his tuxedo shoulder
Christ, what's she doing with him she could be dancing with me
She stirs the ice in her glass with her elegant finger
I want to be what she's drinking, yeah I just want to be難波は

892 :風の谷の名無しさん@実況は実況板で@\(^o^)/ (スップ Sdbf-Wxq/):2017/07/07(金) 02:56:55.32 ID:EHv/lx+2d.net
Key West Intermezzo (I Saw You First)
John Mellencamp

In a hand painted night, me and Gypsy Scotty are partners
At the Hotel Flamingo, wearin black market shoes
This loud Cuban band is crucifying John Lennon
No one wants to be lonely, no one wants to sing the blues

She's perched like a parrot on his tuxedo shoulder
Christ, what's she doing with him she could be dancing with me
She stirs the ice in her glass with her elegant finger
I want to be what she's drinking, yeah I just want to beのこひる

893 :風の谷の名無しさん@実況は実況板で@\(^o^)/ (スップ Sdbf-Wxq/):2017/07/07(金) 02:57:20.56 ID:EHv/lx+2d.net
Key West Intermezzo (I Saw You First)
John Mellencamp

In a hand painted night, me and Gypsy Scotty are partners
At the Hotel Flamingo, wearin black market shoes
This loud Cuban band is crucifying John Lennon
No one wants to be lonely, no one wants to sing the blues

She's perched like a parrot on his tuxedo shoulder
Christ, what's she doing with him she could be dancing with me
She stirs the ice in her glass with her elegant finger
I want to be what she's drinking, yeah I just want to beドコカ

894 :風の谷の名無しさん@実況は実況板で@\(^o^)/ (スップ Sdbf-Wxq/):2017/07/07(金) 02:57:45.25 ID:EHv/lx+2d.net
Key West Intermezzo (I Saw You First)
John Mellencamp

In a hand painted night, me and Gypsy Scotty are partners
At the Hotel Flamingo, wearin black market shoes
This loud Cuban band is crucifying John Lennon
No one wants to be lonely, no one wants to sing the blues

She's perched like a parrot on his tuxedo shoulder
Christ, what's she doing with him she could be dancing with me
She stirs the ice in her glass with her elegant finger
I want to be what she's drinking, yeah I just want to be続けるのはいいけど

895 :風の谷の名無しさん@実況は実況板で@\(^o^)/ (スップ Sdbf-Wxq/):2017/07/07(金) 02:58:06.68 ID:EHv/lx+2d.net
Key West Intermezzo (I Saw You First)
John Mellencamp

In a hand painted night, me and Gypsy Scotty are partners
At the Hotel Flamingo, wearin black market shoes
This loud Cuban band is crucifying John Lennon
No one wants to be lonely, no one wants to sing the blues

She's perched like a parrot on his tuxedo shoulder
Christ, what's she doing with him she could be dancing with me
She stirs the ice in her glass with her elegant finger
I want to be what she's drinking, yeah I just want to beひこ「かて

896 :風の谷の名無しさん@実況は実況板で@\(^o^)/ (スップ Sdbf-Wxq/):2017/07/07(金) 02:58:27.40 ID:EHv/lx+2d.net
Key West Intermezzo (I Saw You First)
John Mellencamp

In a hand painted night, me and Gypsy Scotty are partners
At the Hotel Flamingo, wearin black market shoes
This loud Cuban band is crucifying John Lennon
No one wants to be lonely, no one wants to sing the blues

She's perched like a parrot on his tuxedo shoulder
Christ, what's she doing with him she could be dancing with me
She stirs the ice in her glass with her elegant finger
I want to be what she's drinking, yeah I just want to beのめまの

897 :風の谷の名無しさん@実況は実況板で@\(^o^)/ (スップ Sdbf-Wxq/):2017/07/07(金) 02:58:51.57 ID:EHv/lx+2d.net

898 :風の谷の名無しさん@実況は実況板で@\(^o^)/ (スップ Sdbf-Wxq/):2017/07/07(金) 02:59:10.99 ID:EHv/lx+2d.net
Key West Intermezzo (I Saw You First)
John Mellencamp

In a hand painted night, me and Gypsy Scotty are partners
At the Hotel Flamingo, wearin black market shoes
This loud Cuban band is crucifying John Lennon
No one wants to be lonely, no one wants to sing the blues

She's perched like a parrot on his tuxedo shoulder
Christ, what's she doing with him she could be dancing with me
She stirs the ice in her glass with her elegant finger
I want to be what she's drinking, yeah I just want to be奈々

899 :風の谷の名無しさん@実況は実況板で@\(^o^)/ (スップ Sdbf-Wxq/):2017/07/07(金) 02:59:34.94 ID:EHv/lx+2d.net
Key West Intermezzo (I Saw You First)
John Mellencamp

In a hand painted night, me and Gypsy Scotty are partners
At the Hotel Flamingo, wearin black market shoes
This loud Cuban band is crucifying John Lennon
No one wants to be lonely, no one wants to sing the blues

She's perched like a parrot on his tuxedo shoulder
Christ, what's she doing with him she could be dancing with me
She stirs the ice in her glass with her elegant finger
I want to be what she's drinking, yeah I just want to beわたらわなぬ

900 :風の谷の名無しさん@実況は実況板で@\(^o^)/ (スップ Sdbf-Wxq/):2017/07/07(金) 02:59:56.44 ID:EHv/lx+2d.net

901 :風の谷の名無しさん@実況は実況板で@\(^o^)/ (ワッチョイ d754-dbRO):2017/07/07(金) 03:20:57.65 ID:0Sk9DkxM0.net


902 :風の谷の名無しさん@実況は実況板で@\(^o^)/ (ワッチョイ 775b-Gnp+):2017/07/07(金) 05:49:40.38 ID:kjMIhUK00.net

903 :風の谷の名無しさん@実況は実況板で@\(^o^)/ (ワッチョイ bf76-IFLo):2017/07/07(金) 06:09:22.70 ID:0KlxDk4C0.net

904 :風の谷の名無しさん@実況は実況板で@\(^o^)/ (ワッチョイ 7799-LOvh):2017/07/07(金) 07:20:40.10 ID:1lR9Ypzk0.net

905 :風の谷の名無しさん@実況は実況板で@\(^o^)/ (オイコラミネオ MM4f-Gnp+):2017/07/07(金) 07:46:49.22 ID:PKYP63BzM.net
あおっちぃ。NEW GAME!の先行上映があるんだってゲーマーズで一緒に見よ


906 :風の谷の名無しさん@実況は実況板で@\(^o^)/ (ブーイモ MMdb-7hlm):2017/07/07(金) 07:51:53.36 ID:2tx3VLzVM.net

907 :風の谷の名無しさん@実況は実況板で@\(^o^)/ (ワッチョイ 7799-LOvh):2017/07/07(金) 08:02:34.24 ID:1lR9Ypzk0.net

908 :風の谷の名無しさん@実況は実況板で@\(^o^)/ (ワッチョイ 972d-1B52):2017/07/07(金) 08:06:30.76 ID:jfps+9L10.net

909 :風の谷の名無しさん@実況は実況板で@\(^o^)/ (アークセー Sxcb-Gnp+):2017/07/07(金) 09:07:12.12 ID:OgsVHN6ux.net

910 :風の谷の名無しさん@実況は実況板で@\(^o^)/ (スプッッ Sddf-L5XL):2017/07/07(金) 09:54:11.24 ID:PIuNThdXd.net

911 :風の谷の名無しさん@実況は実況板で@\(^o^)/ (ワッチョイ bff7-QI2L):2017/07/07(金) 11:17:54.23 ID:9yjcnU3T0.net

912 :風の谷の名無しさん@実況は実況板で@\(^o^)/ (ガラプー KK4f-tLB+):2017/07/07(金) 12:14:31.20 ID:QGa8OHw6K.net

913 :風の谷の名無しさん@実況は実況板で@\(^o^)/ (ワッチョイ 17f5-hKQV):2017/07/07(金) 13:16:26.14 ID:Zb8Fymr60.net

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