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おそ松さん 45シェー [無断転載禁止]©3ch.net

510 :風の谷の名無しさん@実況は実況板で@\(^o^)/:2015/12/21(月) 01:02:56.64 ID:Ydf6pR7p0.net


we don't meet to a real fine ago?
you and she look so immediate
it's not once nor twice,
and probably is the six
oh, what a night! let's dance here we go
your smile looks so cute
don't worry we are sixth be in to,
"I am we" and "We are me"
that's right we are sixtuplets,
and we all soul mates, so do you?

let's spend the room time together
we are look to know you
this is the miracle,don't you think?
all sixtuplets' belongs
we haven't game "Old Maid"
because we are the same cards
but with different numbers, elder younger who's who?
ain't I the greatest one?
hey come on, pick me please!

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