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GATE(ゲート) 自衛隊 彼の地にて、斯く戦えり ★9

796 :風の谷の名無しさん@実況は実況板で@\(^o^)/:2015/07/05(日) 07:08:12.98 ID:ehsDrFj40.net
Animation was shit. Character designs were awful. Girls look terrible.

This was one of the worst first episodes I have seen in a while. so the rest of the series should be even worse.

It was really bad, I wish they focused more the gate's appearance and their discovery of the world beyond it

more technologically advance, nationalistic propaganda, bullshit excuse to invading foreign land, so reliving the past much ?

"W-W-Why can't we have an army?uguuu" Mass killings, Human experimentation, Cannibalism,Comfort women
"な-な-なぜ私達は軍隊を持つことができないのですか?uguuu" 大量殺人、人体実験、カニバリズム、慰安婦

Okay so the anime is shit right? I fucking hate the anime industry sometimes. Fucking A1.
OK、なのでアニメは、クソです? 私は、時々アニメ産業をひどく嫌います。くそいまいましいA1。

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