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今期アニメ総合スレ 6

779 :風の谷の名無しさん@実況は実況板で@\(^o^)/:2014/04/22(火) 01:33:55.94 ID:01UwVxxl0.net
Another comment:
Isuke-sama has already tried to kill Haru in #2 of "riddle story of devil" and she
failed, but she wasn't removed from the 10th year, Kuro class of Myojo Gakuen.

She didn't submit her assassination notice paper so was her failure ignored and/or
forgived? Does she have another chance to try to kill Haru?
Even if taking it into consideration that she hasn't heard of the rules of
assassination at the time she tried the assassination, I think it's not fare that she
has another oppotunity to try that. It is her fault that she tried the assassination
before the explanation of the rules (the hidden orientation of the class), because Nio
had already announced about it before she decided to try the assassination.

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