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Happy Tree Friends Part18

1 :Now_loading...774KB:2013/03/17(日) 23:45:58.36 ID:lbvztNtO.net
     , -'´           /
   /    , - '" ̄/   l
  /    , ‐'     l     l               HAPPY TREE FRIENDS!
 /   ./ /ヽ    l     l               誰かが死ななきゃ終わらない!
. l    /  /  ヽ ,- 、    __l,,,,             ほのぼのスナッフ★
..l    l _,,,,l_   ,-‐'、_/‐、 . / ___ 丶、.           そんなハッピートゥリーフレンズを語るスレッドです。
. l   ./´ ,,, . ヽ_,,ヽ-(_)-<-/ l::::::ヽ l
. l  l /:::::>  ヽ (_ノヽ_ノ-  `丶l <           ■ グロテスクな内容を含むので、それを理解した上で観てください。
 l  ヽヽ/   ヾ、     /.  ,‐ 、  ヽ    _..    ■ 煽り・荒らしはスルーしましょう。頭に血が上ったらD・V・D!
 丶 /.   , - 、   ヽ、/  l , ュノ ', ,‐-'´o ヽ
  ヽ´  、_l ,=',         l .刈lノ .l 'ニニ   /     公式・関連サイト、その他は>>2-15辺り
   l.   ーl 炒l        ヽ-"   l  ノ  ヽ、
   l    ーヽ ノ    r-っ       l ./ l    `ー-'i.  ◆前スレ
.   l    、     `'i"    ,、-'  /  ヽ、__    /.  Happy Tree Friends Part17
   ヽ    `ヽ、,,,,,___l,,,、- '     /   ヽ__,ノ  ̄     http://toro.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/swf/1301371713/
    丶       |__|__/   /    /        
      > 、,,,,,,____,,,,、- i'i´   , - ´          ◆Happy Tree Friends@避難所
     /   ,   / l    / l-'''"              http://jbbs.livedoor.jp/bbs/read.cgi/internet/8720/1273070222/
     i    /  /   ヽ,、/ l
    l    .l   l    /:::ヽ .l

2 :Now_loading...774KB:2013/03/17(日) 23:46:43.21 ID:lbvztNtO.net
Part1  http://pc4.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/swf/1047544670/
Part2  http://pc4.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/swf/1065709944/
Part3  http://pc4.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/swf/1072312971/
Part4  http://pc4.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/swf/1078469087/
Part5  http://pc5.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/swf/1082849589/
Part6  http://pc5.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/swf/1090119074/
Part7  http://pc5.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/swf/1095694955/
Part8  http://pc8.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/swf/1107771850/
Part9  http://pc8.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/swf/1132572669/
Part10  http://pc10.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/swf/1149355188/
part11  http://pc11.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/swf/1169199198/
Part12  http://pc11.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/swf/1183031053/
Part13  http://pc11.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/swf/1203336002/
Part14  http://pc11.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/swf/1218783591/
Part15  http://pc12.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/swf/1233159938/
Part16  http://hibari.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/swf/1255852764/

3 :Now_loading...774KB:2013/03/17(日) 23:47:16.00 ID:lbvztNtO.net
■ 公式サイト

■HappyTreeFriendsミラー - 電子的な彼女
■ HTF-DVD 国内通販 (廃盤のため、HMVでは入手不可の模様)
1巻 http://www.hmv.co.jp/Product/Detail.asp?sku=621536
2巻 http://www.hmv.co.jp/Product/Detail.asp?sku=1942579
3巻 http://www.hmv.co.jp/Product/Detail.asp?sku=1837250
■ HTF待ちうけ画面(docomo,au向)

4 :Now_loading...774KB:2013/03/17(日) 23:47:47.05 ID:lbvztNtO.net
既出エピソード一覧 1/3

01 - Spin Fun Knowing Ya
02 - House Warming
03 - Helping Helps
04 - Crazy Antics
05 - Havin A Ball
06 - Nuttin Wrong With Candy
07 - Pitchin Impossible
08 - Wheelin and Dealing
09 - Stayin Alive
10 - Off The Hook
11 - Mime and Mime Again
12 - Water You Wading For
13 - This is Your Knife
14 - Idol Moments
15 - Snow What
16 - Chip Off
17 - Nutting But The Tooth
18 - Tongue Twister
19 - Meat Me For Lunch
20 - You Are Baking Me Crazy
21 - Boo Do You Think You Are
22 - Hide And Seek
23 - Sweet Ride
24 - It's a Snap
25 - Spare Me

5 :Now_loading...774KB:2013/03/17(日) 23:48:17.52 ID:lbvztNtO.net
既出エピソード一覧 2/3

26 - Happy Trails
27 - Happy Trails 2 - Jumping The Shark
28 - Whose Line Is It Anyway
29 - Eye Candy
30 - Rink Hijinks
31 - Flippin' Burgers 
32 - Get Whale Soon
33 - Milkin' It
34 - Out of Sight, Out of Mime
35 - Class Act
36 - Snip Snip Hooray!
37 - Eyes Cold Lemonade
38 - The Way You Make Me Wheel
39 - Better Off Bread
40 - I Get A Trick Out of You!
41 - Shard At Work
42 - Remains to be Seen
43 - Stealing the Spotlight
44 - Water Way To Go
45 - Out On a Limb
46 - Keepin It Reel
47 - A Hard Act to Swallow
48 - Let It Slide
49 - Icy You
50 - Hello Dolly

6 :Now_loading...774KB:2013/03/17(日) 23:48:47.82 ID:lbvztNtO.net
既出エピソード一覧 3/3

51 - From A to Zoo Part1
52 - From A to Zoo Part2
53 - Blind Date
54 - Ski Ya Wouldn't Wanna Be Ya
55 - suck it up
56 - Enter the Garden
57 - Books of Fury
58 - Mole in the City
59 - Read 'Em and Weap
60 - Can't Stop Coffin
61 - We're Scrooged
62 - Sucker for Love
63 - Just Desert
64 - False Alarm

7 :Now_loading...774KB:2013/03/17(日) 23:49:18.37 ID:lbvztNtO.net
既出エピソード(Smoochie Kringle)

:: Cuddles Smoochie
:: Summer Smoochie (Petunia)
:: Valentine Smoochie (Giggles)
:: Party Smoochie (Nutty)
:: Easter Smoochie (Toothy)
:: BBQ Smoochie (Pop)
:: Flaky Baseball
:: Sniffles Smoochie
:: Mime's Olympic Smoochie

:: Kringle Bells
:: Kringle Feast
:: Kringle Karoling
:: Kringle Presents
:: Kringle Tree
:: Frosty Kringle

8 :Now_loading...774KB:2013/03/17(日) 23:49:49.03 ID:lbvztNtO.net
既出エピソード:TVシリーズ 1/2

01 - The Wrong Side of the Tracks
02 - From Hero to Eternity
03 - And the Kitchen Sink
04 - Party Animal
05 - Ipso Fatso
06 - Don't yank My Chain!
07 - Dog Gone It!
08 - Concrete Solution
09 - Sea What I Found
10 - Easy For you To Sleigh
11 - Wishy Washy
12 - Who's To Flame
13 - Every Litter Bit Hurts
14 - As you Wish!
15 - Take A Hike
16 - Snow Plase To Go
17 - Dunce Upon A Time
18 - Gems The Breaks

9 :Now_loading...774KB:2013/03/18(月) 00:11:41.61 ID:Ap0mKGjd.net

10 :Now_loading...774KB:2013/03/18(月) 02:47:35.77 ID:w5Ao3FO/.net
既出エピソード:TVシリーズ 2/2

19 - A Change of Heart
20 - A hole Lotta Love
21 - Blast From the Past
22 - Chew Said A Mouthful
23 - Mime to Five
24 - See What Develops
25 - Idol Curiosity
26 - Home is Where the Hurt Is
27 - Aw Shucks
28 - Sight for Sore Eyes
29 - Wipe Out
30 - Letter Late Than Never
31 - Wingin'It
32 - Tongue In Cheek
33 - Easy Comb,Easy Go
34 - I've Got you Under My Skin
35 - In A jam
36 - Junk In The Trunk
37 - Hear Today,Gone Tomorrow
38 - Double Whammy Part 1
39 - Autopsy Turvy

147 KB

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