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フィギュアスケート★男子シングル Part731 IDなし

548 :氷上の名無しさん@実況厳禁(東京都):2018/05/19(土) 08:59:41.45 .net

Pair Skating – increase the number of qualified Pairs for the Free Program, from 16 to 20, at ISU World Figure Skating Championships.

Short Dance – Change the name of the segment from “Short Dance” to “Rhythm Dance”.

Grade of Execution (GoE) – increase the scoring range from 7 to 11 with the introduction
of a wider Grade of Execution score from -3 / +3 to -5 / +5.

Jumps – In order to have more varied Programs and to give credit to Skaters that can perform different quad jumps, any quad jump can be performed only once in a Free Skating Program.

Illegal Elements/Movements – in order to eliminate unnecessary restrictions,
the list would consist of only two such elements: somersault type jumps and lifts with wrong holds.

Jump Sequences: a proposed new definition: a jump sequence consists of 2 (two) jumps of any number of revolutions,
beginning with any jump, immediately followed by an Axel type jump with a direct step from the landing curve of the first jump to the take-off curve of the Axel jump.

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