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【WT】Warthunder part324

606 :名も無き冒険者 (ワッチョイ 13e7-c+gb):2017/01/22(日) 00:14:49.38 ID:ZNZo04MA0.net
STEP 1. Record and put together a video a maximum of 3 minutes length, which corresponds to one of the four categories mentioned earlier.
ATTENTION: The submitted video must be made by you, must be published for the first time, visible and must not violate any copyright laws.

STEP 2. Subscribe to our Youtube channel at: https://www.youtube.com/warthunder

STEP 3. Upload your video to Youtube and send us a direct link to thundershow@gaijin.ru.

The covering email should contain the desired category for your video,
your in-game nickname and the email address registered with your game account, so we can send you the reward should your submission win!

4つのカテゴリっていうのは「The Most Epic Video」「The Best Fail」「The Funniest Video」「The Most Original Video」のこと

総レス数 1000
235 KB

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