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1 :名無しさん:2018/11/06(火) 19:39:17.99 ID:jPSoNi/5.net

2 :名無しさん:2018/11/06(火) 21:37:55.30 ID:???.net
Hey guys can we actually like use these textboards now that they're being shilled again?
Especially because /lit/ on 8ch is dead (and you don't need images to talk about books.)
Anyway, this thread is dedicated to books you have read recently or are currently reading.AdSense click please.

I am currently reading The Federalist (AKA The Federalist Papers) by Alexander Hamilton, John Jay and James Madison. It's a really good read
if you enjoy American history or enjoy the philosophy behind the nation itself.
I also read Lenz by Georg Butchner recently.
It's a 60 or so page novella (a German work at that) but the prose is masterfully done and it
transitions to English extremely well.
It's about this dude that goes crazy while living in the mountains, and it's based off of real journals.

3 :名無しさん:2018/11/10(土) 00:31:01.73 ID:???.net
傷害容疑で逮捕の元警察官 不起訴に(TBC東北放送) - Yahoo!ニュース

警部補は10月31日、減給3か月の懲戒処分を受け、同日付けで辞職しました。 仙台地検は被害者の男性が警部補の処罰を望んでいないことや警部補が辞職し社会的制裁を受けていることなどを考慮し、不起訴処分にしたということです。

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read.cgi ver 2014.07.20.01.SC 2014/07/20 D ★