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AIイラスト 愚痴、アンチ、賛美スレ part138

273 :名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2024/03/20(水) 08:10:36.95 ID:4POFIeDI.net

(105) General-purpose models, in particular large generative models,
capable of generating text, images, and other content, present unique
innovation opportunities but also challenges to artists, authors, and
other creators and the way their creative content is created,
distributed, used and consumed. The development and training of such
models require access to vast amounts of text, images, videos, and
other data. Text and data mining techniques may be used extensively
in this context for the retrieval and analysis of such content, which
may be protected by copyright and related rights. Any use of copyright
protected content requires the authorisation of the rightsholder
concerned unless relevant copyright exceptions and limitations apply.
Directive (EU) 2019/790 introduced exceptions and limitations allowing
reproductions and extractions of works or other subject matter, for
the purpose of text and data mining, under certain conditions. Under
these rules, rightsholders may choose to reserve their rights over
their works or other subject matter to prevent text and data mining,
unless this is done for the purposes of scientific research. Where
the rights to opt out has been expressly reserved in an appropriate
manner, providers of general-purpose AI models need to obtain an
authorisation from rightsholders if they want to carry out text and
data mining over such works.

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