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93 :枯れた名無しの水平思考@\(^o^)/ (ワッチョイW 459f-dpEN []):2017/01/11(水) 08:15:31.49 ID:z6EmTfN90.net
Kaede is executed case 1. No if about it - she dies for murdering Rantarou. But Rantarou wasn't dead.
He and Kaede faked his death, then Kaede erased her memories so she'd be selected as the culprit for his death.
This makes the culprit - a pathological fan of the original killing games - a blackened, since if Kaede didn't kill Rantarou, Kaede was innocent.
The MM literally is so BTFO she executes herself. The reason Kaede went to such insane lengths is that they're on the fucking moon and Rantarou - the Ultimate Survivor, needed time and the ability to move around freely so the survivors could escape.

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