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813 :枯れた名無しの水平思考@\(^o^)/ (ワッチョイ 824a-ZcNX []):2017/01/10(火) 20:05:26.58 ID:46RRlbpi0.net
Rantarou is the SHSL Survivor after surviving a previous killing game but no longer remembers anything due to mind wipe.
Slowly he begins to remember things and ends up investigating the library by himself
Tsumugi kills him before she can get found out and frames Kaede the groups leader for the murder
The player is forced to use lies to defend themselves in the trial but you end up getting called out (possibly by Tsumugi or Ouma) and get voted as the blackened
Kaede gives her goodbye speech and Saihara being the SHSL Detective and Kaedefag knows she didn't do it and gains the confidence to use his talent to avenge her thus growing an ahoge

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read.cgi ver 2014.07.20.01.SC 2014/07/20 D ★