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640 :名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 (HappyBirthday!W 8bb9-mUd4 []):2022/11/20(日) 20:55:59.16 ID:5+H75hYb0HAPPY.net

Aetherial Burdens

The does savior myths of the Valisthean oral tradition ??? certain commonalities.

First, thet the world shall one day be remade by the hand of god incarnate.

Second, that his coming shall be holloed by a host of heavenly servants.

Third, that the chosen shall flock to said servants to await their master, and thereupon eternal life ??? that the host described hereabove may refer to the eight eikons.

Garuda, eikon of wind takes the form of a winged beauty.

Titan, that of a statuesque stone giant not for all their grandeur and grace.

They are brutish creatures both.

Within the Phoenix's fiery wings is harbored the power of rebirth.

Since ages past men have worshiped and adored him for this gift the promise of life's triumph over death.

Ramuh commander of lightning symbolizes wisdom no doubt inspired by his sage men .

Leviathan commands water to the ??? of all those who sail northern sea.

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