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【Switch/Steam】OCTOPATH TRAVELER オクトパストラベラー part69

175 :名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 (ワッチョイ 33c0-UBaD):2022/11/03(木) 18:35:03.94 ID:pzwtFlHE0.net
Business tycoon Roque Brilliante has signed a contract
to sell steam engine rights to traveling merchant
Partitio Yellowil for 80 billion leaves. This new tech-
nology has revolutionized the manufacturing and transport
industries and become an essential part of modern life.
Currently, the Roque Company holds a monopoly on this
incredible invention, but experts believe the steam
engine will change the world if that hold is broken.
Partitio and Roque Company engineer Floyd have re-
cently developed an improved version of the steam
engine. Through the use of clockite, a material used pri-
marily in the making of clocks, the two found a way to
enable mass production of new steam engine. The pair'
s stated objective is to use technology to improve
the lives of people around the world. However, the Roque
Company's monopoly has stymied these plans, leading
to the business deal mentioned above.
When asked for comment, Partitio stated. Technology
exists to make life better for people. That's what
gives it value. His intention is to share the prosperity,
the steam engine is expected to bring equally with all
peoples across the world. Roque was also approached re-
peatedly for interviews, but secretary Thurston turned
away all attempts,stating that the president was un-
available for comment.
Partitio hails from Oresrush, where his father is a
prominent silver merchant. He is said to have started
his career as a businessman at the tender age of
8 years old.

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226 KB

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read.cgi ver 2014.07.20.01.SC 2014/07/20 D ★