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Horizon ホライゾン Zero Dawn/Forbidden West 総合 part118

367 :名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 :2022/04/20(水) 23:27:29.59 ID:E6wk2Bht0.net
Fixed an issue where restarting from save after looting Greenshine will result in the Jobs system directing the player to the previously looted site. (NOTE: This will not retroactively fix Jobs for previously looted sites that are already active. For these players, once the player reaches the indicated area, the system will update and the player will be redirected to the correct site).


850 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 (ワッチョイW 1729-4C7o [])[sage] 投稿日:2022/04/14(木) 23:41:23.48 ID:S+doXNxl0 [2/4]

総レス数 1001
281 KB

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