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【PS4/XB1】The Division2/ディビジョン2 DC17日目

293 :なまえをいれてください :2019/03/15(金) 06:15:59.66 ID:kSmhLIWF0.net

Agents, we’re releasing another patch today that will require to restart the Division 2 servers. The restart will happen at 10:30 PM CET / 05:30 PM ET / 08:30 AM ACT / 06:30 AM KST and the servers are expected to be down for around 20 minutes.

Fixed an issue where players could be stuck in the wrong World Tier if they completed Strongholds without meeting the required Gear Score while in a group
Fixed an issue where players wouldn’t be able to talk to agent Kelso at the Castle Settlement
Fixed an issue where players could obtain multiple Ivory Keys from the same source

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