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ASSASSIN'S CREED アサシンクリード総合 341旗目

865 :なまえをいれてください :2018/10/10(水) 18:37:28.40 ID:O0gXH5bQp.net
Legendary Cultist Item not given
Description: There’s currently an issue where legendary items from defeated Cultists may not be given to the player if they stray too far or fast travel between knocking the cultists unconscious & confirming the kill.
Workaround: Reload a previous save.
Status: Will be addressed with TU 1.0.3

Zoisme & Kallias cannot be reached
Description: There is currently an issue where Zoisme and Kallias are spawned in the Cave of Gaia and cannot be reached.
Status: Will be addressed with TU 1.0.3

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read.cgi ver 2014.07.20.01.SC 2014/07/20 D ★