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【新次元】Zマウント Nikkorレンズ【光学性能】8

481 :名無CCDさん@画素いっぱい :2021/06/12(土) 12:38:13.55 ID:mh36Vomyp.net

I set up tests with the patterned light from my RF flash controller on a D850 in a blackened room and pressed AF-On for the pattern to be projected on the far wall 15 feet away from where I tacked a business card. Used the Z6 to focus normally with the pattern off and it would not even hunt. I reached the AF-on button on the D850 to project the red pattern and the Z6 instantly focused and exposed the card as a totally dark frame, which verified that spill light was not contributing

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read.cgi ver 2014.07.20.01.SC 2014/07/20 D ★