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231 :吾輩は名無しである:2019/11/10(日) 15:11:40.58 ID:mhKHJGcH.net
Kritik an der Anti-Handke-Propaganda

Mehrere osterreichische Schriftsteller und Autorinnen kritisieren in einem am Freitag veroffentlichten offenen Brief die "Anti-Handke-Propaganda" der vergangenen Tage und Wochen.
Die Kritik an Handke habe langst den Boden vertretbarer Auseinandersetzungen unter den Fussen verloren, hiess es unter anderem.
8. November 2019, 12.25 Uhr


I.1 Some observers have written that Peter Handke denies or excuses genocide and war crimes

“denial of Serb atrocities during the Balkans war[Flood 2019]
“denies that a well-documented genocide was committed by Serbs against Muslims in Bosnia[Maass 2019a]
“is an apologist for genocide[Vulliamy 2019]
“literary art of genocide denial [Maass 2019b]

Peter Handke has neither denied nor excused genocide and war crimes in the Yugoslav wars.
He has repeatedly emphasized this:

I have never denied or lessened or made light of, let alone countenanced, a single one of the massacres in the wars in Yugoslavia that took place from 1991 to 1995. [Handke 2018g, 1013]

In 2019 he repeated:

Of course, the genocide has caused infinite suffering, which I have never denied. A suffering that cannot be extinguished by anything. I regret my remarks, should they have conveyed something else [Handke 2019].

Handke’s questioning does not apply to the crimes per se, but to the way in which they were reported.
From this media-critical approach, he attempts to historically expand the media’s handling of acts and declarations of war from a Yugoslavian and Serbian perspective.

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