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461 :名無し三等兵 (ワッチョイ f63b-cou9 [2400:4151:202:8100:*]):2024/04/10(水) 08:00:40.95 ID:1w7PCpDj0.net

↑ ソース。 2月はじめの記事。
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Mr Pauling, 49, historically has been a staunch Democratic supporter and says he even used his barbershop to register voters to support Barack Obama during the 2008 and 2012 elections.

But not this year.

He's strongly considering voting for Donald Trump, a desired change of pace from Mr Biden who he says "talks a good game, but doesn't deliver".

Others in the barbershop agree and express frustration with the cost of gas and groceries.

"Trump tells the truth," says Pauling, laughing as he recalled when Mr Trump frankly told Hillary Clinton that he uses the "rigged system" to his advantage.

"I can dig that. I'm tired of everybody trying to be politically correct," he said. "Tell it like it is."

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