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168 :名無し三等兵 :2024/03/26(火) 17:48:35.10 ID:W0BaB3ll0.net

449名無し三等兵 2024/02/29(木) 02:04:14.94SLIP:ワッチョイ a3da-iVup [240d:1a:1c:1e00:*](1/4)ID:ZsRoOXQs0(1/4)
BAEによるとsystems requirements reviewが完了し、三か国の共通性能要件が確立したとのこと。

With Japan, Britain and Italy set to begin the next phase of talks about their joint next-generation fighter aircraft next month, industry officials have said that
the partners are close to completing the aircraft’s conceptual design phase as they prepare to set up the industrial entities from the year-end that will deliver the program.
"We have completed the systems requirements review, meaning that we've now got a common requirement set for all three countries,” Jonathan Moreton, director of
partnerships and exports at Britain’s BAE Systems, told The Japan Times.

In an exclusive interview at the Singapore Airshow, Moreton, a former British Royal Air Force pilot, said the completion of the conceptual design phase will allow the partners
to move to the next stage of the program next year — the design and development phase — which is expected to last five years and lead to the maiden flight of first test
aircraft from around 2030.


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read.cgi ver 2014.07.20.01.SC 2014/07/20 D ★