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300 :名無し三等兵 :2024/02/02(金) 02:17:47.34 ID:Bbnvkgq80.net

Why Did American Patriot Missiles Fail To Stop the Houthi's Attacks? December 10, 2021
And it wasn’t the first time Saudi Arabia’s Patriots have failed. At least five Patriots apparently missed,
malfunctioned or otherwise failed when Saudi forces tried to intercept a barrage of rockets targeting
Riyadh on March 25, 2018.

But amateur videos that appeared online in the aftermath of the missile skirmish indicate that many of
the Patriots exploded in mid-air or veered off course. The errant missiles invoked memories of similar
failures involving American-operated Patriots during the 1991 Gulf War and the 2003 invasion of Iraq.

Riyadh seems to realize it needs better missile defenses. “Saudi Arabia has been in talks to acquire the
same S-400 advanced air-defense system that Turkey recently bought from Russia,” Marc Champion
wrote for Bloomberg.

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