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イタリア軍総合スレッド part8

239 :2/2:2014/12/08(月) 19:09:34.25 ID:enfKoGbY.net
*24 Comando Difesa Traffico ( MARICOTRAF ) 交通護衛司令部。


  ・ Comand Motonavi Veloci (‘ Mariconvo', i.e.‘ Fast Merchant Vessels Command' ), that began operating in Naples in
  March 1942;
   Comand Motonavi Veloci (‘ Mariconvo'、すなわち高速商船隊司令部)は1942年3月にナポリで運用を開始した。

  ・ Comando Gruppo incrociatori Ausiliari e Navi Trasporto (‘ Maritrasporti' ), with jurisdiction over auxiliary
   補助巡洋艦群及び輸送船司令部( Maritrasporti )は補助巡洋艦を管轄する権限を持つ。

  ・ Comando Superiore del Dragaggio (‘ Maridrag ' ) co-ordinating the very large number of minesweeper groups scattered
  throughout home waters as well as in the Aegean and North Africa.
   掃海最高司令部( Maridrag )は、近海と同様にエーゲ海と北アフリカ沿岸までをも含めた海域へ、非常に多数の掃海艇群を
  ( ―― Mussolini’s Navy: A Reference Guide to the Regia Marina 1930-1945 ―― )

*25 [伊] Avviso veloce (高速通報艦)

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