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145 :風の谷の名無しさん@実況は実況板で:2024/03/24(日) 02:35:14.38 ID:9mRQfjGJ.net

Feb 24, 2024
Not RecommendedFunnyFunnyPreliminary (5/28 eps)
I really have no idea how this anime got such a high rating and is now considered a masterpiece, unique, legendary, etc.
The only legendary and unique thing about this series is that it's so overrated, topping the list as the best anime of all time.
The anime itself isn't bad, and the art is actually pretty good, but it's definitely not a masterpiece:

- There are so many repeated themes in the story with lots of elements that other fantasy anime handled better.
- The anime lacks originality and doesn't really bring anything fresh to the table.
- The plot feels a bit empty and relies too ...
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非推奨面白い面白い暫定版 (5/28 eps)
時間。 アニメ自体は悪くないし、アートも実際かなり良いですが、決して傑作ではありません。

- ストーリーには繰り返されるテーマが非常に多く、他のファンタジーアニメの方がうまく処理できる要素がたくさんあります。
- このアニメはオリジナリティに欠けており、特に新鮮味をもたらしません。
- プロットは少し空っぽで、頼りすぎているように感じます...

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