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安倍昭恵 税金ドロボー (´?????)<セレブ王女よ!

1 :名無しさん@├\├\廾□`/:2017/08/09(水) 03:07:17.44 ID:bgyp1UA+.net

83 :名無しさん@├\├\廾□`/:2017/09/23(土) 22:46:26.37 ID:INmB7G1G.net

M 3.5 - 22km ENE of Sungjibaegam, North Korea
2017-09-23 08:29:17 UTC 41.312°N 129.052°E 5.0 km depth

This event occurred in the area of the previous North Korean Nuclear tests.
We cannot conclusively confirm at this time the nature (natural or human-made) of the event.
The depth is poorly constrained and has been held to 5 km by the seismologist.
The Air Force Technical Applications Center (AFTAC) is the sole organization in the U.S. federal government whose mission is to detect and report technical data from foreign nuclear explosions.

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